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Living in a future city

How would the future city look like? Where would we live in and how would we live? If i use my imagination and as trendwatcher to be, think that these micro trends are possible to find in our future city.

Plastic bottle houses

This is a project that aims to create an shelters constructed almost entirely of recycled plastic bottles. They already build the first home which was made of 10,000 plastic bottles. They will construct 90 to 120 homes, which means they need thousands of recycled plastic bottles. Once the houses are finished they are resistant to earthquakes and more costly than ordinary houses. This is a huge outcome for the prevention of waste. We give another function to plastic with these houses. It is more sustainable and who know's maybe we will all live in a plastic house in the future.

Selfsustaining village

This is another sustainable way of living. An Danish architectural firm; EFFEKT made a series of greenhouse homes that provide people with their own source of energy and food. This self sustaining village is able to produce electricity, which the occupier can use in a daily basis. There is also a space to grow high-quality food, that can feed a large amount of people. Living in this house means you don't have to buy food or electricity because you are producing it all by yourself and your house. I think this is something with future potential.

UFO homes floating on the ocean

This one is really cool. It's a home floating on the ocean, looking like an ufo. It's a concept for an unsinkable houseboat. This idea came from boating startup Jet capsule and they are making a prototype. The house has two flours and an outer disc that can be used as garden. The first floor is 215 sq. feet and has large panoramic windows with a view over the ocean. Unterneath the waterlevel, there is the second floor of 107 sq. feet, where you can see the sealife through the windows. The ufo would rely on natural energy sources such as sun, wind or water energy. With rainwater of seawater you have your amount of water for daily use. It has a motor with water jet propellors to move from place to place. I think it's amazing to live on the ocean. There is plenty of space unused, and it's also a sustainable way of living by producing your own energy and desalinate water.



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