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What if we would no longer need electricity to produce light? That’s what the website from Glowee says. Glowee is a company that collects light from the sea. There are lots of living organisms that are able to produce light naturally. It’s a chemical reaction regulated by a gene and over 90% of of marine organisms have that, it’s called Bioluminescence.

Glowee uses genes coming from a bacteria living in sybiosis with squids to create a bioluminescent material. And cultivate the bacteria before placing them within a shell which is transparent. Their goal with this is to disrupt the way we produce and consume light. So we don’t need electricity any longer with this technique.

The bioliminecence phenomenon has been known and studied for years and is mainly used today for genetic tagging. It is a biochemical reaction by genes requiring substrate, an enzyme and oxygen to make light. Thanks to this technology they are able to offer a disruptive and sustainable energy fitting perfectly with various usages.

“We want to offer a global solution that will reduce the 19 per cent of electricity consumption used to produce light.” says Glowee founder Sandra Rey.


This is a great outcome! It’s another way to produce light. It is sustainable and ecological. We have more techniques to do such thing. There is a biotech revolution going on. With this there can be less electicity usage and that's great for the future. What's next?



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© 2015 by Rachelle Broeren

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