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Sharing Food

What if you could bring your own ingredients to a restaurant and the chef made a meal with it, that sounds fun right? Well there is a place where you can.


It's called 'ruilrestaurant', this is a restaurant in Utrecht on changing locations. The rules are very simple; You bring ingredients, they make your dinner. When you reserve a spot in the restaurant, you get a shopping list with a category on it. Think of things like meat, fruit, vegetable or abstract things like round or square or decoration. The guests have to buy whats on their list. They can choose whatever they want in their category. What they choose has an effect on the final meal. The restaurant is always looking for a unique meal to make with the different ingredients. Most people find it exiting and challenging to think of food in this way. You can also hire the restaurant, so they come and cook a dinner on location.


With this way of eating, it becomes a whole new experience. You bring your own ingredients and that makes you more connected to the proces of the meal. It's not just a quick dinner, but the experience last all night. The owner of 'ruilrestaurant' says; "There is often more a feeling of involvement than in normal restaurants, because the guests are creating something with each other". This idea fits with the sharing trend, the people are sharing their ingredients to make a meal together. The people are more connected to each other and the dinner the have.



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