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Real Beauty

We seem to have all kinds of rules for beauty. Beauty ideals changes every day and every moment. Everywhere you go you see advertisements about weight loss and getting in shape, But what is beauty really?

The view of beauty is changing for the better, you don’t need to have the perfect body, you can be beautiful by yourself. More brands are stimulating women to be herself and to love yourself by who you are and not how you look. Dove is an example fort his with their commercials. The show women with normal bodies and not the perfect thin models.

And now there is a fashion designer, Mallorie Dunn, who started a campaign for her brand Smart Glamour. Her campaign #ImFlattered shows that women can where anything if they feel good in it. She goes against the .. that you have to be thin to wear a crop top or young to wear a short dress. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, as long as you feel good in what you where, you are already beautiful.

There is also a new lingerie campaign from the brand PantyPop. In this campaign they show their new lingerie on a legless model. The model, Kanya Sesser is a 23 years old women, who was born without legs. With these campaign PantyPop send people a powerful message about beauty. You don’t have to be perfect to be beautiful. This is what real beauty looks like.




© 2015 by Rachelle Broeren

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