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Ageless beauty


Now a days you see more and more elderly who care about their

looks and fashion. Recently I read an article in Vogue about three women who are loving fashion and wear beautiful designs everyday. This made me think and wonder why we are surprised to read or see such things. Isn’t it just normal that everyone wears what they like?

There are also old women who are fashion icons on Instagram. Chinami Mori makes her own scarfs and shows them on her Instagram profile, she uses her 93 years old grandmother Emiko as a model, and her followers love it! Emiko has turned into a fashion icon on Instagram and she has over 26K followers.

Another Instagram famous granny is Baddie Winkle, @baddiewinkle on Instagram. She is over her 80’s and doesn’t care about what anybody thinks of her and has her own style. She has over 1.7 Million followers on Instagram and is even famous under celebrity’s. She also has her own Wikipedia page, where she’s described as an American internet personality and internet meme.


It’s just amazing that there are such women that are fashion icons even if they are over 80. I love how the world is changing the view of fashion and the shift that we see. Old people aren’t just old people anymore; they can be a model or a fashion icon as well. It doesn’t matter how old you are; you can still look beautiful or wear whatever you want. Beauty isn’t just youth or having the perfect body. Beauty is being yourself. Fashion is ageless and everyone should wear what they love.



Vogue Jan/Feb’16


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