"How to be an explorer of the world"
Exploration #15
Record everything you consume or everything you purchase in one day/week.
Morning - Yoghurt with musli, Water
Afternoon - Hema hotdog, Tea, Ice tea green, blue berries
Evening - Pasta, Tomatoes, Meat, cucumber, Water
Lipstick, Shampoo
Morning - Slice of bread with cheese, Tea
Afternoon - Hot chocolat, Oreo, Pistolet filet Americain, Water
Evening -
Morning - Coffee, Yoghurt with Banana
Afternoon - Bread with cheese, cookie, Apple juice, Water
Evening - Potatoes, Meat, Beans, Water
Morning - Slice of bread with peanutbutter, Coffee
Afternoon - Bread with croquette, Apple juice, Tea
Evening - Rice, Chicken, Saté, Water, Salad, Dessert, Wine
Morning - Croissant, Egg, Cappuccino, Water
Afternoon - Pistolet egg salad, Cheesebread, Apple juice, Tea, Hot chocolat
Evening - Pizza, Ice tea green, Wine, Chips
Jacket, Jeans, Boots, Top
Morning - Soft boiled egg with bread, Optimel
Afternoon - Banana, Water
Evening - Wraps with chicken, Casis, Water
Morning - Biscuit with strawberries, Milk
Afternoon - Water, Tea
Evening - Kebab, Frech fries, Water, Tea, Honey
I found it very difficult to record everything that I consumed the whole week. So it's not in specific details and there is a change that I forgot to write something down. On thursday and friday I slept in an hostel so thats why my consuming is different than the other days. With this exploration I became aware of how much I actually eat on a daily basis. How much do you actually eat in a day or week?